The last couple of weeks we did a project called "Pizza Box Project". The project was to take in information from 10 Cultural Universals of either Ancient Egypt, Rome, or Greece and present the information in a "3D" fashion inside a "Pizza Box".
You may ask "What are Cultural Uni-- WHATEVER?!"
They are things to categorize your information.
They are:
1. Background of Culture
2. Themes
3. Economics
4. Food, Clothing, Shelter
5. Political Organization
6. Family and Kin
7. Attitude toward The Unknown
8. Communication
9. Arts and Esthetic Values
10. Recreation
This is Enzo's Pizza Box Project about Ancient Rome.
This is Poppy Presenting her Pizza Box about Ancient Greece.
This is Zimraan presenting his Pizza Box about Ancient Egypt to his mom.
Trevin and Tristan sharing their pizza boxes.
This is Catherine presenting her pizza box.
This is a presentation about Ancient Egypt that Ryver made.
This is Miki showing his mom and grandma his Pizza Box.
Here is Sydney's Pizza Box about Ancient Egypt.
This is Colin's Pizza Box about Ancient Egypt.