Monday, November 25, 2019

Cedar River Watershed

It was a beautiful fall day, perfect for seeing the rain drums, the lake bed, tree roots/stumps, and banana slugs. Also perfect for learning about Seattle's watershed and experiencing the water cycle. 

Students figuring out how much water, in gallons, that they are.

This 5 gallon water jug is the amount of water used for a one minute shower.

This 5 gallon water jug is the amount of water that some people have to carry per day for use.

"What station should we go to next?"

Station 2: Different habitats. Find the animals in the mural and stamp them in the habitat where they like to live.

Station 5: Are you water smart? A game to test how much you really know about the Cedar River Watershed.  
Listening to the rain drops and creating a beat!

Walking on Rattlesnake Lake bed.

Mr. Jeff (parent) teaching students why the tree stumps have notches in them.

Checking out the stream flowing into the lake.

"Look a dam!" "I wonder what made the dam?" 
3rd/4th grade

We enjoyed our trip to the Cedar River Watershed Education Center!