This year, 4th grade began a quest to discover all we could about inventions. We learned about the process of inventing, famous inventors and inventions throughout history, and recognized the stamina it requires to become successful inventors ourselves.
One of the amazing inventors we studied was Leonardo da Vinci - did you know his full name is Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci? After appreciating his fantastic artwork, we dove deeper to learn more about his many inventions.
After viewing Leonardo's works of art, the class drew their own Mona Lisa. Many students included a fun modern twist, like adding a mask!
We attempted to build Leonardo's famous arched bridge with popsicle sticks. His original design required no bonding materials... but we certainly did!
Each 4th grader researched and presented on one facet of Leonardo as an inventor.
Through student presentations, we learned about his important contributions to science, mathematics, aerodynamics, natural history, and architecture.
After our inventor studies of Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Graham Bell, the Wright Brothers, and more, the class began our final project of creating new inventions that solve problems in our own lives.
This student sketches out his design for his final invention. He is designing a hammer that has an aiming attachment. No more smashed fingers!

Students learned how to use Tinkercad to create a three-dimensional prototype of their invention.
This student's design improves the current ski boots on the market! Who doesn't love memory foam?
By creating a prototype, students can see their inventions come to life.
We have had so much fun studying, creating, and testing inventions. I can't wait to see how our final project wraps up!